About Craft Cookbook

Craft Cookbook is a growing collection of task-oriented recipes, designed to get you to a working solution, fast.

The recipes are easy to search, and easy to bookmark, so you can quickly find the solution you need, and get back to Crafting your website.

Why is this needed?

The official documentation is great, but is more about high-level concepts than quick solutions.

Craft Cookbook is the place you come when you really, really need a solution to your problem right now.

Who made this?

Craft Cookbook was originally built by Manifest and is now maintained by Straight Up Craft. The recipes themselves (the important bit) are courtesy of the Craft community. Thank you.

In the coming months, Craft Cookbook accounts and recipes will be migrated to the upcoming Straight Up Craft Recipes section. Join our Craft The Planet list to receive regular updates and Craft recipe discussions.